Bloomberg Quicktake is an annual conference to showcase the companies progress to partners and advertisers. This conference is originally meant to be in person, however the pandemic pushed this to a virtual online conference. The task was to create a graphics package for this web conference. This involved making a 45 min long edit that required custom branding and many deliverables such as animated transitions, title animations and supporting graphics. I was asked to lead the development of the graphics package, evolve the existing brand and design the visual language and animation style for this conference.

Branding Reference
This is some initial branding reference to get to know the brand.

These initial designs were the style frames that became the building blocks of the design package.
Animation tests
These were some initial design explorations for the title cards.
Style frames for opening title Animation
Alt design frames for quick open animation
Countdown and opening title animation
Additional logo mark exploration
Title card motion design frames
Animated title transition
Additional supporting graphics
Title: Bloomberg Quicktake
Agency: Territory Studio SF
Role: Design, Art Direction, Animation